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Business as a
Force for Good

It has been done before

Support your local businesses because of the values it practices.

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Join the Business For Good Community

Do you prefer to support businesses that are truly contributing back to society? 

Let them know you support them!

Get your "I'm a BFG supporter badge" from CheckD.

Are you worried that you might lose your business because you need to fulfill your conscience to do good?

There are consumers who would choose you, if only they knew you exist!


What are Business For Good companies?

These are businesses that
are financially sustainable, impact driven, run by leaders who makes contributing for the greater good part of their business model.



1. Go an extra mile for their employees

2. Go an extra mile for their customers

3. Go an extra mile for society

4. Go an extra mile for the natural environment

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Combining good and business?
It has been done before.

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